Monday, December 10, 2012

Classic Doctor Who and Fangirly Things

I'm still writing. Writing, writing, writing, but almost everything I've written is crap. I'm still trying to trudge through but my heart's not in it. I'm hoping that I can write something good soon, but until then I'm going to watch Doctor Who. Classic Doctor Who. The old series, the original series. Mostly because I can.
I've begun to write Doctor Who fanfiction. Which, of course, means that other fanfiction has been pushed off to the back burner, but hey, that's life isn't it? I still plan to write the endings to all of those fanfics I've said I'll write. But at the point I'm at right now, I can't.

I'm considering starting a new blog simply for short stories and fangirlings and whatnot. I will, of course, link it here.
For now, I'll leave you with the news that I bought a new pair of tennies today and they're super comfy.
Now if only I can fix that cash flow problem.

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