Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weird Al Yankovic

So, Al Yankovic's got a new book coming out on the 25th, and he's just started a book tour for it and, well, long story short: IT STARTED IN MINNEAPOLIS AND IT WAS ONLY A FEW MILES AWAY AND I WENT AND I FINALLY, FINALLY GOT TO MEET HIM.
I shook his hand and actually made myself say hi (also other words) and then got a picture and t was legitimately the most amazing thing ever. I've got a signed copy of "My New Teacher And Me" by Al Yankovic and I've got an amazing picture (in which you can barely see my smile BUT I'm totally smiling [I was like literally fighting back tears this was the most amazing thing ever you have no idea] and oh my god) so yeah. Today, June 23rd 2013, best day of my life.
I could become a bestselling author tomorrow and it wouldn't be as good of a day as today.
Click the picture for bigger size!

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