Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Random and Disturbing Thoughts

A couple of days ago, RADT was available for free for kindle, and over 130 people downloaded it. I thank you all for your downloads, and I hope you enjoy it. I would also like to ask you to please review it after you are finished. Good or bad, I appreciate each and every review that gets posted for my work.
I also invite you to check out my second "memoir" piece, That Whole 'World Ending in 2012' Thing. Both are going to be available in paperback within the next 3 weeks.


  1. I loved it btw the milanos are my fave too. I am also a disgruntle retail employee who shares your views on twilight

    1. Aw, well thank you! :) It's always nice to hear that people are liking my work. Even nicer to find that there are other people who like the same stuff I do.
